refer and earn-2

Cannabis is a tight-knit community and people move to new companies quite often. If you introduce us to new companies that we don’t already do business with, and those companies start a commercial relationship with us, we’ll share a portion of all business that each customer does with us in their first year.  

Have a company in mind? Let’s chat!



18 New Essential Oils

Our 2022 harvest presents us with 18 unique essential oil varieties. There are 40 total oil varieties now available — you can view the complete menu here.


Fruit, Sweet and Gas Forward

Sweet flavors take the limelight in today’s market with Fruit and Gas flavors rounding out the trifecta of crowd favorites. Our previous Citrus flavor profile is now combined with Fruit to further simplify our flavor categorization.


Exotics 2.0

Yesterday’s Exotic is not tomorrow’s Exotic. When the connoisseur’s taste evolves, our Exotic flavor profile evolves accordingly. This year was no exception. The new new has landed once again!



If a product has a year in front of its name, it’s a Vintage: one variety, one farm. Everything else is a Blend: multi-vintage, multi-variety, or sourced from multiple farms.

Each product name also contains a flavor profile (Fruit, Gas, Pine, Sweet, Savory, Exotic). Assigning flavor profiles is similar to wine-making. We appoint a well-versed and experienced set of palates to guide the profile selection process, as the nose and tongue are unmatched in their ability to combine detection and association. Science guides are understanding, but there is no replacement for a refined palate.

Why no indica/sativa?

We’ve moved past the binary world of indicas and sativas because we no longer live in a world where “landrace” (the original cannabis from long ago) genetic traits dictate our understanding of how today’s hybridized, domesticated cannabis varieties affect us. The indica/sativa categorization is based on the plant’s height and leaf shape, not the overarching effect when consumed. We all might react differently to a variety based on its terpene composition.


To view any one vintage as the period the plants were in the ground loses the perpetual nature of farming. As soon as the grounds are dry enough to work up, the field work starts. Fortunately and unfortunately, December was one of the wettest on record but it was not enough to break the drought conditions across the state. Our late harvest in 2021 pushed out the start on the field prep for the 2022 season, pushing our planting date deep into the summer. The early stresses of 100 degree days during their infancy made the crop exceptionally resilient. The crop basked in a Labor Day heatwave that lasted more than 10 days. The season even brought us an early rain which provided the plants an opportunity to rinse off as they headed towards maturity. We experienced ideal ripening conditions consisting of warm days and cool nights topped off with mild winds. The favorable weather continued on through November allowing for a forgiving harvest window. These conditions allowed us to move with a precision that has crafted our most consistent vintage to date.

The sharp top notes full of fruity esters and gassy thiols fill the headspace of every drum. The passion we feel for the plant shines brighter than ever in this vintage and with the temperate weather continuing through November, we are ahead of schedule with field prep for the upcoming growing season. 


Terpene Belt Farms, 1212 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612

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